8.1 The Computer Missuse Act 1990 |
Section 8.1
8 Legal Issues And Data Security
8.1 The Computer Missuse Act 1990
This act made it a criminal offence for anyone to access or to modify computer
held data or software without authority, or attempt to do so.
It created three specific offenses:
- Access is deliberate and unauthorised.
- Access is without authority and with attention to commit a further
offense (either immediately or in the future).
- A person does any deliberate act that causes an unauthorised
modification of the computers contents.
Note that:
- Conspiring, attempting and inciting others are all offences.
- The prosecution does not have to have proof that actions were
directed towards particular items of data or programs.
- The accused need not be in the U.K. at the time of the offence.
- The computer data need not be in the U.K.
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