Section 11.2
System Development
11.2 Analysis
11.2.1 Problem Definition
The first step is to write down the terms of reference.
The terms of reference may well include:
Objectives - What the system should acheive.
- Improved customer service.
- Better management information.
- Cope with larger volumes of business.
- Maximum cost.
- Avaliable equipment.
- Any business area not to be changed.
Timescale - A special constraint.
Reports - What output is required.
Suggested Solutions - By management.
11.2.2 Feasibility Study
Technological Feasibility
Is the hardware able to meet the demands put upon it?
Social Feasibility
What will be the effect on employees and customers if the new system is
Economic Feasibility
Will the new system be cost effective?
11.2.3 Further Analysis
Fact Recording And Investigation
The analyst is interested in:
- The procedures
- The data
- The future
- News reports
- Problems
The following are ways of investigating existing procedures and the existing
- Observation
- Reading existing documentation
- Questionnaires
- Task counting - by clerical staff
- Interviews